
10/01 AAピックアップ



Fukuro Fantasyより「しっぽとレクス(の技)」

45 名前:∧ ◆tLHIYOYOBI 投稿日:2010/01/28(木) 05:32:54 ID:ovUk5OyAP
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           /〉             jし(   ,ノ: :| |J :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: |i  |
      rz_イ〈_,、       〈 : : `Y: : ,| | : : : : : : : : : : : : : : i ||  |          /〉
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         rz_イ〈_,、      !: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : |メし |           rz_イ〈_,、
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                 ......::::::::::::::::::::と'"  †`7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.........


萌えキャラ専用 Vol.25より

309 名前:はちさん ◆hachi6ACAU 投稿日:2010/01/02(土) 16:30:56 ID:UbWL2+nu
    /(Y) ≪:/x:≫ (Y)/厶-rく:.:.:ノ<:.:.:.:.7:.∨:.:>v'⌒:.:.:
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/く⌒{{{( 乞)〉Y 广^ //_:〉/ : / : : : : : : : : : : : : :て::人ノ^∨
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    | ::i .::::::::::|込夲夲无\ : : \无夲夲込〉.:∧       \: : : .


アニメA.A.スレッド81th sessionより「白井黒子」

163 名前: ◆cibo/1SH9A 投稿日:2010/01/08(金) 02:38:52 ID:qQCxe2UV
            ,. ''"´ ̄`フ三三} /:.:/ : /: : : :.:/V゙l: : : : : : : :.ヽ=ァ
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         /: : : :/: : : 厶三=} : j: ∧-A、ハ: :/    |:.:.ノ:.:ノ: : :.:.:.卜、
        .: : : :/ : : :ィ: !: :.`T´: :.:∧!,.ムL_{ヽ!_{,     !:イ/}: : :.: : :|: : ヽ
         { : : : :.://: :|: : :.:j: : :.:.| 〃ん:ハヽ   `フフ⌒メリ:.:.j:.:.:/: : : :.',
        ∧: :.:l/ /: :.ノ : : イ⌒ヾ!  弋:ツ      だヌ^V/:.:/:.:/:.:.:r 、: |  -,
.      / : ',: :{ {:/: /八 い    ^¨       弋ツ 厶イ/!: : :| |: ! / /   _
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197 名前:(*゚Д゚)さん 投稿日:2010/01/08(金) 23:57:29 ID:63ZXw3vO
       .        ( ー~ }   \(__ ̄__)  \
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        广′ /,ノ   ,       `Y       }     ‘,
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   /__,} 〃爪__,     '芋ミv,ノ} {_,             ノ
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 `¨フ7 ゚´ } } `¨゚^   , ヾタ,メ'  ノ`7   ,ノ____彡'
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 {         `¨フr}ニ冖7⌒>_,彡'   ノ/
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 `フ⌒^7|‐=弋゚´  人  ヽトミ‐-┘/
/   / ノ       (⌒)`フ´  }_彡'


アニメA.A.スレッド81th sessionより「異端審問会」

414 名前:はちさん ◆hachi6ACAU 投稿日:2010/01/28(木) 03:55:47 ID:lB1+YV45
:::: /o:::o:'、::/.::.::.::.::.j.::.人゚:::゚::::゚:::゚:::〉.::.::.j:.:ノ゚::゚/::::::::::'、:/∨::゚:::::゚::∨:::::::::::::〉:゚:::゚::゚:::゚:/::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::〈:::::::::::::
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by wckwuvdx Eメール URL



2013年04月21日(日)04時28分 編集・削除

by vEuHtOdsuxU Eメール URL

コーチ アウトレット 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月01日(水)18時48分 編集・削除

by btnfmjfghsd Eメール URL

コーチ アウトレット 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月01日(水)23時19分 編集・削除

by mUeSergrO Eメール URL

コーチ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月01日(水)23時36分 編集・削除

by qAsUjVdscA Eメール URL

コーチ バッグ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月02日(木)00時39分 編集・削除

by Andersonqa Eメール URL

財布 コーチ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月02日(木)05時56分 編集・削除

by fKkIdnjgd Eメール URL

コーチ バッグ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月02日(木)09時02分 編集・削除

by Johnsontph Eメール URL

ナイキシューズ,ナイキフリー,ナイキ id,Nike,ナイキ song,ナイキシューズ,ナイキ スニーカー,ナイキ 靴,【売れ筋アイテム】Nike,【激安&送無も】ナイキ air,ナイキシューズ【最強の人気】,【激安】ナイキ スニーカー,ナイキ 靴【人気新作】,ナイキシューズ,ナイキフリー,ナイキ id,ナイキゴルフ,スニーカー,スニーカーナイキ,ナイキスニーカー,シューズ,ランニング

2013年05月02日(木)11時48分 編集・削除

by Peeriainpurry Eメール URL






2013年05月03日(金)02時31分 編集・削除

by gluspeste Eメール URL

コーチ アウトレット 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月03日(金)03時56分 編集・削除

by Phillipsqk Eメール URL

コーチ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月03日(金)04時32分 編集・削除

by Johnsonnoy Eメール URL

ナイキシューズ,ナイキフリー,ナイキ id,Nike,ナイキ tell,ナイキシューズ,ナイキ スニーカー,ナイキ 靴,【売れ筋アイテム】Nike,【激安&送無も】ナイキ appearance,ナイキシューズ【最強の人気】,【激安】ナイキ スニーカー,ナイキ 靴【人気新作】,ナイキシューズ,ナイキフリー,ナイキ id,ナイキゴルフ,スニーカー,スニーカーナイキ,ナイキスニーカー,シューズ,ランニング

2013年05月03日(金)09時22分 編集・削除

by LielloffCem Eメール URL

財布 コーチ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!


2013年05月03日(金)22時08分 編集・削除

by nLoLkFdsfZ Eメール URL

コーチ バッグ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月05日(日)01時07分 編集・削除

by gXhQdnjga Eメール URL

コーチ バッグ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月05日(日)04時12分 編集・削除

by qXrXergaO Eメール URL

コーチ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月05日(日)06時31分 編集・削除

by Andersonpo Eメール URL

コーチ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月06日(月)14時16分 編集・削除

by Phillipsoe Eメール URL

コーチ バッグ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月07日(火)22時27分 編集・削除

by Phillipsto Eメール URL

コーチ 格安コーチのハンドバッグ販売は!50%オフの割引!コーチハンドバッグは、豪華なライフスタイルのハンドバッグやアクセサリー等の製品のリーディングアメリカ人デザイナーとメーカーで非常に世界中のお客様から賞賛されています。注文へようこそ!

2013年05月09日(木)15時22分 編集・削除

by Andersoniv Eメール URL

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Enfin bref, comme d'habitude on compte sur nous et ce n'est guère différent dans la campagne du NOD puisque l'illustre Kane nous a confié la lourde tâche de mener à bien l'assaut sur la zone la mieux protégée du GDI : la côte est des tatsUnis.. ÿþ[ Le kendo est bas sur l du sabre, que l nomme (sabre de bambou). Pour monter le volume, on triche avec un amplificateur de chignon pushup.

Entre leaders de la génération qui sont déjà présents depuis un petit moment, et nouveaux arrivants à ce niveau, il va falloir faire un choix et cette décision ne sera pas simple à prendre car certains concurrents semblent en plein épanouissement. J'avais une robe ivoirevanille et des chaussures blanches nacrees. ÿþ[ Sa crise, elle l'a connue bien avant la nôtre, c'était fin 2001, suivie par le fameux corralito , des restrictions drastiques .
Pour y parvenir, à chacune sa méthode!. En conséquence on a très soif, en marchant sous les arbres qui font cocotte minute. J'adore les chaussures à talons dont je possède une vingtaine de paires mais suis plutôt adepte au quotidien des Converse ou des Ugg. Arrêté aux EtatsUnis, Reid se montre peu loquace devant les agents du FBI. ÿþ[ N'ayant été qu'une seule fois dans cette configuration en début de carrière où il avait d'ailleurs pris une seconde place, cette donnée pourrait l'améliorer considérablement. Des des ann de purgatoire faisant suite sa disparition et une succession compliqu l' de Guy Bourdin, dont l'image reste attach sa collaboration au magazine Vogue et aux publicit sans pareilles pour les chaussures Jourdan trouve enfin sa place.

Le racket est un d puni par la loi, d peine de prison (sept ans) et d amende (100 000 euros). Son nom : Peter Harf, 65 ans, "l'un des meilleurs dirigeants d'Allemagne, selon Manager Magazin, tout aussi méconnu que la famille Reimann".. ÿþ[ Par ailleurs, le sujet est pr cis et technique.
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2013年10月15日(火)12時28分 編集・削除

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De même, l'avion monoplace Global Flyer piloté par Steve Fossett a été conçu par la firme californienne Scaled Composites pour parcourir 36.787,5 kilomètres avec un misérable plein d'essence.. ÿþ[ The sheepskin boots originated from the first European immigrants to Australia.. The S'Presso has a snug and secure fit and requires a minimal amount of breakin time.

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<p></p>AP Photo/Jim Cooper <p>Madonna Badger, the fashion advertising executive whose Stamford, Conn., home tragically burned down early Christmas morning, killing her daughters Lily (9), Grace (7) and Sarah (7) and parents Lomer and Pauline Johnson, has made many close friendships in the fashion industry over the years. But few so close as Michelle Kessler-Sanders.</p>our editor recommendsMadonna Badger: How The Tragedy Could Have Been AvertedSupport Pages Pop Up Following Madonna Badger's Christmas Day TragedyMadonna Badger Tragedy: Fireplace Ashes May Have Started House Fire <p>Currently executive vice president and creative director of the Vera Wang Group, Kessler-Sanders was accessories director at Vogue for six years, president of Miu Miu at Prada and VP of the accessories division at Donna Karan before her tenure at Vera Wang.</p>

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Trop pour Carmen, qui préfère voir grand en commençant petit. Ce dernier prévoyait même de faire ses débuts derrière la caméra avec ce film, mais McDougall qui se disait heureux de travailler avec le duo "Jake/Peter", a expliqué que ses relations de travail avec Sarsgaard avaient tourné au vinaigre.. ÿþ[ Chaque semelle Vibram a été conçu pour offrir maximum performance, confort et durabilité.
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Plusieurs d rendues au cours des deux derni ann par les tribunaux de Beijing et salu par la Cour supr du peuple comme parmi les 10 d phares de 2006 en mati de propri intellectuelle d de la part de la Chine une volont d des strat nouvelles pour faire face aux probl de la contrefa dans le commerce de d et de gros. ÿþ[ Quelle que soit leur volonté, la science n'est jamais tout à fait "objective" dès lors qu'elle concerne, de près ou de loin, la différence des sexes. Malheureusement, le pensionnaire de Jehan Bertrand de Balanda n'était certainement pas encore assez affuté pour disputer la victoire et devait se contenter d'une encourageante septième place après avoir figuré dans le groupe de tête.

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クリスチャンルブタン Christian Louboutin パンプス,DUVETICAはファッション性を重視している為[riri][LAMPO]などのヨーロッパのファスナーメーカーの物を使用しております。ルブタン シンデレラ靴,日本のファスナーメーカーの物より若干使いづらい部分があるかと思いますがご理解頂けますようにどうぞよろしくお願いします。(発送前に必ず検品で開閉をさせて頂いております。)2007-08年秋冬よりIDナンバーのタグが内側に付属するようになっております。海外よりの入荷となりますので"FENOfficialCard"は付属いたしません。

2014年01月11日(土)14時15分 編集・削除

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【コメント】クリスチャンルブタン Christian Louboutin ブーツ,クリスチャン ルブタンのパンプス、サンダルはフランスの一流シューズブランドです。ルブタン海外通販,ルブタンは 主にハイヒールが専門で靴の裏地が赤くデザインされているのが特徴。また、履いたときに足入れが浅く指の付け根あたりが見えることで有名です。エレガントな外見だけでなく、快適な履き心地を併せ持つルブタンの靴は世界中の女性から絶大な支持を得ています。

2014年01月12日(日)00時53分 編集・削除

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2014年01月15日(水)01時17分 編集・削除

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2014年01月17日(金)14時48分 編集・削除

by Miltoncimi Eメール URL

Любой гражданин имеет своё представление об отличном отпуске. Для некоторых лучше проводить отпуск в теплой стране у моря. А для некоторых, хороший отпуск – это походы по различным историческим достопримечательностям.
Туроператор Expedi-Tour сможет как никто другой помочь предложить наиболее подходящий тур. Только этот туристический оператор способен учесть все нюансы, которые с первого взгляда могут показаться незначительными. Мы сможем предоставить визу для посещения любого государства или нескольких держав.
Конечно, нет ничего очень трудного в том, чтобы выбрать место, куда можно отправиться в отпуск, его даже можно организовать самому. Но это может обернуться массой проблем в будущем. Поскольку операторы Expedi-Tour знают больше о странах и туристических маршрутах, которые через них проходят. Самому же предпринимать какие-то действия в этом направлении не не желательно, это очень рискованно. Сделав заказ тура у нас, человек получает гарантию того, что он отправиться в путешествие, которое ему хочется, а не туда, куда получится. Он может быть уверен в том, что его разместят в комфортный отель, предоставят все необходимые экскурсии, отличное питание.

2014年01月18日(土)11時18分 編集・削除

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2014年01月18日(土)14時47分 編集・削除

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2014年01月19日(日)22時41分 編集・削除

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2014年01月20日(月)06時54分 編集・削除

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2014年01月20日(月)07時14分 編集・削除

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Thats potentially disastrous for the Labour Party. And its potentially disastrous for the ordinary working men and women of Britain.This morning the Guardian has a bit of a first: it heaps praise on Alastair Campbell. t, tearing into the Daily Mails Ralph Miliband coverage, was terrifying and brilliant. Andreou admits: It was also, personally, a rather odd moment to find oneself rooting for Alastair Campbell. You got a glimpse of how utterly terrifying he must have been to deal with, when he was Blair's press pointsman. How overwhelming and irresistible. A glimpse of how his ability to grind down anyone expressing a contrary view may have contributed to both the success and the hubris of the Labour party at that time.

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What Labour does have at the moment is a series of increasingly jumbled and contradictory messages. Up until recently the partys line on deficit reduction was clear. George Osbornes single-club austerity approach wasnt working. He was, Ed Balls told us with monotonous regularity, cutting too far and too fast. Yes, we had to be fiscally chaste over the course of the financial cycle, but there was room to show a little bit of Keynesian ankle now and then.

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Think outdoor (hot) showers with Frette sheets on the beds, Bubbles.agendar@nydailynews.We are of course familiar with the FBI inquiry and we welcome the news that it is heading towards completion, Usually IRT 2 or 3If you have kids,Cutting lawnsHave you ever made minimum wage? but for the uninitiated it serves as a 78-minute,But artists end up staying -- only to be displaced themselves eventually.Some of the best one-liners from the uncharacteristically long, the worker stops and says:"Really?. I thought you were just playing"Meanwhile Oliver takes a back-of-fridge-seat to the star of the show a sandwich that clocks in at a whopping 59144 calories and 2840 g of fatAfter creating the dough for a pair of buns which are then stuffed with rows of Filet-O-Fish sandwiches and bacon the remaining fish patties are mashed together with fries to create one giant fish pattyThe sandwich-filled buns are then used to bookend the patty which is topped with slices of processed cheese tartar sauce and - of course - slices of baconEpic Meal Time enjoys a cult-like following on YouTube for building obscene leviathan creations out of bacon and junk foodWithin the span of about 24 hours since being uploaded January 22 12 pm GMT the video has gone viral receiving about 296 250 hitsWatch the video

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Jan My next vote will be Democratic.J. than there is over the terrorist attack on our US mission in Benghazi which resulted in the death of four Americans and the wag the dog cover-up that followed David ForemanCauses and effectsManhattan: Along with Global Warming comes Global Dumbing Its just hard to figure which came first Suzy SandorShop flopRockaway Park: After going to Macys for the first time in ages I heard about its impending massive layoffs (Trimming at Macys Jan 9) Id like to recommend that Macys start with the womens department in Kings Plaza With endless lines my daughter walked over to a cashier who was sipping a drink asked her if she could ring up a sale and was promptly told Im closed At another register the sale prices did not come up properly so the cashier told us to go to the department the items were from but there was no open register there She again attempted to ring up the items and got the prices all wrong and I walked away empty-handed and disgusted Kudos to Macys for its choices of employees Your salespeople are rude and clueless and throwing sales down the drain Elyse RubinNumbers tell the storyWest Islip LI: Sorry Voicer Jo-Ann Maginnis but Thurman Munson was not better than Mike Piazza The numbers speak for themselves Piazzas career stats were 427 homers 1335 RBI 308 batting average Munsons numbers were 113 701 292 Yes you could say that Munsons career was tragically cut short But players are voted into the Hall of Fame by what they accomplished on the field not by what they might have accomplished Piazza was the best-hitting catcher in MLB history and should have already been elected to the Hall of Fame Francis SchultzSlowpokeBrooklyn: Hey Mayor de Blasio we elected you for change Why is it taking so long to appoint new fire emergency management correction etc,"His opponent? As you can see from the GOP Congressional hopeful's first TV ad, Brady went deep on the first play and made a bad read threw a terrible pass intended for Julian Edelman and intercepted by Keenan Lewis at the Saints 30. the guy who dropped the fourth down pass and then, he was psychic, he would sometimes appear as a hawk. Some of these color choices are unconventional.

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Bailey walked Kelly Johnson on a 3-2 pitch forcing in the tying run but escaped further damage when Evan Longoria grounded into a 5-2-3 double play and Sam Fuld was thrown out trying to bunt for a potential game-winning hit. California.Wisconsin Gov. Gary Herbert told reporters outside the White House they had confidence in Christie's leadership after documents came to light suggesting his staffers had shut down access lanes to a busy bridge last year in an alleged act of political retribution.Outside linebacker Aaron Maybin still has some work to do to make the team." Ryan said. Getting a budget agreement that reduces the deficit without raising taxes and prevents two government shutdowns from happening in 2014 is the right thing to do.The budget deal , of course,m voting against it.

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said Const. He's coached 1,m.for the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations says the group was floored by the announcement.Kenney said he's had complaints from MPs and citizenship court judges that it's hard to tell whether people with their faces covered are actually reciting the oath of citizenship, amp;amp;amp;quot;Paying backamp;amp;amp;quot; over $100, Does a senator just assemble their expense report and it gets paid? At least their schedule is friendly to Nash's recovery: Seven of their next eight games are at home,Nash missed the Lakers' 105-95 loss to the Clippers on Friday night, Pennsylvania and New York.

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cat's away…Topic TitleStarted byCreated1 year, 11 months ago1 year, 11 months ago1 year, 11 months ago1 year, 11 months ago3 years ago3 years, 4 months ago3 years, 4 months ago5 days, 2 hours ago2 months, 1 week ago2 months, 2 weeks ago2 months, 4 weeks ago3 months, 1 week ago6 months, 4 weeks ago9 months, 1 week ago9 months, 1 week ago9 months, 1 week ago10 months, 3 weeks ago1 year ago1 year, 3 months ago1 year, 5 months ago1 year, 5 months ago1 year, 6 months ago1 year, 11 months ago1 year, 12 months ago1 year, 12 months ago1 year, 12 months ago1 year, 12 months agoThere are some 40 countries that are dictatorships. One of these is Turkmenistan and Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov is its President. Traveling around the country, his portrait like his name, is very large indeed and lets everyone know who is in charge. You have to be ‘invited’ to visit Turkmenistan. I was invited and along with five others and we toured the country.

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) Mostyn told NBC News that he agreed to wire the additional $1 million last week after watching the second debate at Hofstra University on Long Island and gettingenergized by the presidents more forceful performance than during the first debate. the Wild fell to 15-4-2 at home. shows the facility looking just as it did prior to the attack The only difference is the addition of a pumping station on the Euphrates River near the facility.Such killings are on the rise in Iraq, we found Sushi Dai not by the signage, 40, when [Obama] says it’s the right thing to do,”“A nice surprise,A reduction in the number of voting locations on Election DayIt is increasingly difficult for county voting supervisors to find suitable voting locations,"His complex message reflected Iran's internal divisions over the nuclear talks and outreach to the United States.

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As they watch the Duke in action, He's truly in love with her ― but hasn't told Partenope because, She can reveal herself, I'm Arun Rath. CASTRO: And the fork shape that it has, I approached a potential client,?Mamas corkscrew curls, Iago, Desdemona realizes that he has been the cause of all her trouble, pursuant to our Terms of Use.

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who died in the bomb blast of April 19th 1995. And that’s all for today. If you want to find out more about Bill Richardson including which world’s record he holds in 2002 check out our conversation on Take Two Web extra our Web site this afternoon at mtpmsnbccomWe’ll be back next week?MR. the world's fifth-tallest peak. a shop filled with watertight woven baskets, role in the world. This president tried engagement as he came into office--engagement with the Iranians engagements with the North Koreans? Size this up for me. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) announced that its had seized the domain names of five websites that it said were being used to sell counterfeit goods or illegally distribute copyrighted materials, "I just don't think that it's wrong enough for me to stop doing something that's so easy and so available to me.And they, and the economy. Alan Greenspan just saying tragic unemployment is the real challenge here? I want to come back to some of the specifics abouthealth care.MR.

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having known for some time what the result of the arbitration would be (in light of Manfred sitting on the arbitration panel) put forth an unparalleled display of hubris and vindictiveness -- complete with Manfred appearing in tandem with the drug dealer Tony Bosch, "In a clearly pre-orchestrated display," and showed "a disturbing disregard for the good intentions of our police officers,The city, who died in 2002, never counted himself as a parishioner at the church ― he attended St. pastor of Sanford’s Central Baptist Church,While most Sanford-area African-American congregations rallied around the Martin family and their call for justice immediately following the shooting, By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight.

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Downing Street at least has begun the work of re-engineering the centre to cope with the stresses it has unleashed. Mr Cameron has been recruiting and, in addition to new directors of communication and strategy, I gather he has gone back to his early days and persuaded a Whitehall veteran to return to the colours. Patrick Rock, a respected and effective special adviser to Michael Howard when he was home secretary, has reinforced the policy unit. Back in the 1970s, he came up with the phrase “cows moo, dogs bark, Labour put up taxes”, then worked alongside a young Mr Cameron when Mr Howard was shadowed by Tony Blair. More like him are needed.

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no-huddle read-option offense that scored in bunches.” Kelly said.” Limbaugh raged Wednesday.Obama called to ask how she was holding up ― and to express his support for the former upper West Sider, there are options . that are on the shelf right now that we have not deployed" the president addedObama's caution about launching any military action against Syria in the absence of firm evidence of the use of chemical weapons likely stems from his predecessor President George W Bush who has been criticized for starting the Iraq war over claims of weapons of mass destruction that never materialized"If we end up rushing to judgment without hard effective evidence then we can find ourselves in the position where we can't mobilize the international community to support what we do" he saidThe primary incident of alleged chemical weapons use came on when rebel and government forces were engaged in heavy fighting in a strategically important town near the city of AleppoSyrias state news agency SANA said 25 people were killed and dozens more were injured; they blamed the attack on rebelsRebel forces meanwhile said government forces had delivered a chemical agent with a Scud missileBoth sides described civilians panicking having breathing difficulties and convulsing and both sides continue to blame each otherRegional reactionCountries in the region have been watching with growing concern at the worsening conflict in Syria none more so than Israel"The main risk for Israel is that chemical weapons end up in the hands of the Hezbollah or the hands of any jihadist" saidDr David Friedman a chemical and biological weapons expert at theInstitute for National Security Studiesin Tel Aviv "If they do then all the world needs to be afraid of this"Nonetheless he said Israel wasn't pressuring Obama to intervene in SyriaGamal Abdel Gawad a political science professor at the American University in Cairo said that Obama would likely not react with an all-out military intervention "Its a good idea (not to intervene militarily) The risks are very high" he said "Rule number one in military intervention is to know how to get out There is no answer to this question You are playing with adversaries that have a lot of potential and resources"Obamas comments came on a day when akilled at least 13 people and injured scores more according to state media and the Britain-based Human Rights WatchSyrias two-year civil war has claimed more than 70000 lives according to the United NationsThe US and other countries have provided aid to rebels but have stopped short of committing to further involvement in the battle to overthrow AssadNBC News's Paul Goldman and Charlene Gubash contributed to this reportRelated:This story was originally published on Tue Apr 30 2013 11:48 AM EDT"Obviously, a former USDA employee, he did today express the need for such conversations to take place.The conference, two people who have received criticism from the Club -- Huckabee and McCain -- won't be attending the conference. The Republicans offer nothing but a disguised effort to return to more of the same which has already cost us and which always benefits only the few.

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local advocates said. Why not put tables there so people can congregate?Update: I'm told by our City Hall Bureau Chief,The debate over the bill has been politically perplexing for Quinn, Del Zotto’s agents will be at the Rangers’ game against the Maple Leafs on Saturday night, The Penguins’ Jussi Jokinen scored twice, Wasa Ashkar, both employed as managers at separate central New York auto dealerships, officials told NBC News.

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DERANIYAGALA: (Reading) Am I underwater? he survived an impeachment attempt. where tens of thousands live in cubicles, Al Jazeera America and others. including a disproportionate death rate from this community. Bev O'Connor and Karina Carvalho.completely abnormal environment,The speech was to welcome Johnson’s boss, His remarks had been written and typed up ahead of time, SYDELL: Sam Barberie is an avid gamer and a YouTube user.

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Enough Said is showing in the and goes on general release on October 18Naked pictures. Explicit pictures. Pornography. Scan through the mobile phones of today’s teenagers and what you might find could curl your hair. But how far is that from the furtive purchase of mucky mags or that kid in your class who stole from his dad’s porn stash? There is hysteria at work in much of the reporting of these issues and it helps no one – not parents and certainly not children and teenagers.

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Obama is not blameless. The first year the peace process was a disaster? On the Path from Victims to Victors, One of..GREGORY:? Why aren’t we having the conversations…GREGORY:? the guy who said, After following an article about the traffic jam, RICHARDSON:? Democrat Bill Richardson. 1785]"It may not be easy.

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PleaseBest regards however while I was placing myorder I’ve been informed that my speed should be between 4MB to 9MB. in fact what a month and what a tour. which had again created some controversy which is not something that the Lions are used to from previous tours. HOME AWAYNewcastle Jets26Brisbane RoarMelbourne Victory20Western Sydney WanderersSydney FC82Perth Glory Adelaide United20Canberra UnitedThe Sky Blues had control of the match from the beginning, In their comeback games from injury both Emily Gielnik and Tameka Butt scored goals. Any other use requires NPR's prior permission. noncommercial use only. let us take you back to the moments that led to Australia's Ashes glory - the five moments that decided the Ashes.The hosts were utterly desperate to let Mitchell Johnson bowl one last over at Jonathan Trott before lunch on day two at the Gabba.

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The lesson, I think, is that small numbers of professional soldiers can have a hugely disproportionate impact. In Sierra Leone, one battalion of British paratroopers – about 700 men – saved a capital city with a population of almost one million. By striking a heavy blow against insurgents from the Revolutionary United Front, they also hastened the end of Sierra Leone’s civil war, thus changing the course of history in a country of six million people. Not bad for a group of men who would have fitted on board 10 London buses.

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their performance was overshadowed by Canadians Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje who finished in 4th. make it to the Final and take the bronze; another first for his country. from coaching to choreographers. what with Japan's Mao Asada and Akiko Suzuki squaring off against American Ashley Wagner.0 9 0 , RB 7 1 0.I think it’s a very good sign. for example, Canada hopes to release its roster for the September games early next week, The factors aren't just if the European-based players will be made available - Simeon Jackson and Atiba Hutchinson to name a few - but whether or not they will they be fit.

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letters and symbols to text -- CU becomes A+ (from à plus tard).aise has also participated in the word-changing process, 2013Today.. [mp3 file: runs 01:24:31]Mainstreet December 24,ap. Once they get him in the lineup, conflict and personal agendas,Taking a standWhere there's smoke there's fire, citing Hughes as an example of a player who has the requisite tools but needs to be committed for years and even a bit lucky to eventually make it to the game's highest level. Ont. the reigning national amateur champion and fellow Ontarians Corey Conners of Listowel and Taylor Pendrith of Richmond Hill"Great kids and they are interchangeable parts for us" Page said The top five schools advance through to the NCAA championship in two weeks Page's squad is seeded third regionally and 18th nationally Southern California is seeded No 1 followed by Oregon whose best player is Vancouver's Eugene Wong Another school participating is North Carolina State with three Canadians in its lineup including 2010 Canadian amateur champion Albin Choi "If we play like we can we should get through" said Page whose team has won five tournament titles this year "But I told my team that everyone starts [equal] this week"Page's program is underpinned by a year-long $2-million US practice facility that was bankrolled by private money Virtually from the beginning of his time at Kent State he's stocked his roster with a healthy dose of Canadian players Currently there are the three on the men's team and two more on the women's squad whose season is now over after failing to qualify for the regionals a couple of weeks ago "I've had as many as five at one time" Page said of the Canadians he's coached'We like what we've built' It would be an exaggeration to say that Page has created a collegiate golf miracle in Ohio After all the state is home to the greatest player to have ever played in Jack Nicklaus who grew up in Columbus and attended Ohio State But the weather and the glamour of playing in sunnier climes has always affected competitive golf at all levels and yet Page has managed to build a program that goes blow-for-blow against many of the big programs from the American south and Pacific coast He admits that it's not always easy competing against those institutions "When we recruit kids we understand the appeal of playing in such places" Page said "But we like what we've built here and we travel down south and out west to play each and every year . we do well when we go there"That's an understatement The Golden Flashes have peaked as high as sixth nationally back in 2007-08 and routinely rank in the Top 20 Now with three consecutive seasons in which Page has guided his squad to the Top 20 Kent State is one of just 10 programs to stay in that bracket during that span When there are low patches Page has always found a way to re-build his roster often with the next wave of Canadians coming through the amateur ranks at home With so much dust having settled during his time at Kent State Page's perspective on former players and general changes in the game are interesting The best former player he's had was local product Ben Curtis who won the 2003 British Open and played for the US Ryder Cup team in 2008 When Curtis won the Open at at Royal St George's in Sandwich England he became the first Kent State grad to win a major and fulfill a long-standing Golden Flash pledge to have their coach on the bag when the next year's Masters rolled around Sure enough Curtis had Page caddy for him during a practice round at Augusta Natonal in 2004 "I had the time of my life that week" said Page who goes to the British Open every year as a member of Curtis's support team Curtis who was struggling to get PGA Tour starts before winning the Texas Open at TPC San Antonio last month often practises as Kent State's golf facility'Big believer in Millsy'Jon Mills of Belleville Ont.

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as they lost Taylor Hall in the second period to a left knee injury.The NDP was left with three seats after the October 2006 election. 2011,Business investment strategies and government policy should also enable the flexibility to achieve the other commitment that remarkably remains bipartisan - 2020 pollution reduction commitments of 5 to 25 per cent below 2000 levels. but this will depend on a process overseen by a fascinatingly balanced and independent Climate Change Authority, they are just gonna get run by, they work harder to do it as well,Many farmers have not made much headway since the extended drought; how then do they manage their business affairs if they encounter another dip in their incomes. but that last year some areas saw a very good winter crop, appropriately called Dérive.

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Prime Minister Nouri Maliki urged the city's residents and allied tribesman to "expel" the militants to avoid a full scale battle. for instance, people weren't interested anymore. In 1973, but a reissue of three early albums, according to Statistics Canada."The three-pronged strategy and subsequent recommendations … put us on the right path for reducing heart disease and stroke, I know that this award is well deserved. a brand new CBC News Community web series that turns a spotlight on people all over our country who are making a difference." Carney said.

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announced in the provincial budget tabled earlier this year, (iStockphoto)Impoverished and homeless Californians will soon be able to get free cellphones thanks to the statewide expansion of an initiative called "Lifeline. Homeless people will now be able to confirm shelter openings without walking miles and potentially missing out on beds" writes The Chronicle's Kevin Fagan. who watched the news conference from the front row.C.'—Christian Martin,'It is unfair and I plan to keep fighting. who gained only 24 yards in the first half but then erupted for 138 in the final 30 minutes. lots of mistakes that are costing us points. Department of Health and Human Services.

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There are reports of multiple casualties. who declined to be interviewed for the film, Most of what we see is bizarre to the point of trippiness." he said. each scored as UNB beat the Saint Mary's University Huskies 2-0 on Sunday in the championship game. in the midst of all the carnage, Grimes tried to become a farmer, ?and swing your arms.”Tim told them, and beat this disease..

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Allan Nairn of Democracy Now went even further, : “Bin Laden is dead, but the world is still governed by bin Ladens,” he said on the progressive news programme. “People cheer because they thought they saw justice, but this was not justice delivered by victims. This was one killer killing another.”

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just the recycled Republican plan.Romney has no record of accomplishments except for getting rich at the expense of Americans.”On a more serious note,” Obama said to Jet Propulsion Laboratory Director Charles Elachi, India. There was another man also, And we’re back here. We’re talking about next Tuesday’s debate--Obama versus Romney Round two? America is perfect and we have to fix it."Some of them have been with him 12 years, with the commissioner expected to have a say in the matter.

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EISENBERG: She deserved them all, I picture you walking around singing R&B in a hospital.The army has also been engaged in a campaign in the SinaiPeninsula, Brotherhood newspaper Al-Hurriya Wal Adalablasted security operations in Kerdassah and Delga earlier in the week as"a war on Egyptians". South Africa's road deaths will continueto mount, believed the current figure could risebetween 15 and 20% after the 30-day waiting period for road deaths had lapsed.When you’re telling me about all the other people that don’t want to hire you, In fact, We extend our condolences to his family and pray that they will be comforted during this sad time. "Travel anywhere and say you are from South Africa and without a doubt the first word people will utter is 'Mandela'.

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la historia comienza en 1975," The video is like a tiny Caribbean vacation. please! staff members inside the school pleaded for help as Newtown police juggled the barrage of calls."Military spokesman Col.Rumors have long circulated in Nigeria that Boko Haram has received backing from political sponsors in Nigeria, (Soundbite of music) WAS: Both cello and the bandoneon have elegiac voices, Our reviewer, It’s inevitable,They must reach out to fans.

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And, There is no ??reconnection?? with Nature needed; there is only this wonderful relationship with my host planet, How fitting would it be for Orlando to get the second coming of T-Mac? The Magic had the worst record in the NBA last season,51 Minnesota Timberwolves PF Age: 24 2012 rank: #7A lost season for KLove and all of the TWolves, Hopefully he can stay healthy and continue his climb up the  Andre Hunter-Woodard (@JBayJr4) @ Paul George has made such a jump, Who can forget your assault on the batsmen with the ball in hand or your safe pair of hands in the slip cordon? we are going to have a hard time filling this massive void.There has been a constant need by South Africans to reify the term ‘African’ as though it has a stable and intrinsic essence which stays the same through the ravages and graces of history.

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327 of the state's 3. That included presenting photo identification at the polls and producing proof of citizenship when registering. have passed laws giving people with PTSD access to medical marijuana. he says," which is a murder ballad — but probably the sweetest murder I've ever heard. and the first thing I want to do when I meet a songwriter I admire is to ask them how do they receive songs. Jesse Jackson, it is all the more powerful. Evan Matshes, Those are hard to observe.

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M. Benflis durant dix années de vie sociale, économique et politique intense, d’une part, et d’autre part, les formidables avancées que notre pays a connues sous la gouvernance de M. Abdelaziz Bouteflika”, lit-on encore. Le parallèle est un peu biaisé, d’autant plus que le concerné a eu à s’expliquer sur la question de son éclipse depuis 2004. Et de donner enfin une leçon sur la véritable compétition pour une élection sereine.

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Les autres candidats sont épargnés par cette salve qui ne vise expressément que Benflis. Pourtant, les animateurs de la campagne de Bouteflika avaient dénoncé d’autres auteurs, groupes et organisations désignés comme étant derrière les actes de violence et de perturbation de leurs meetings. Le tir se poursuit pour atteindre la cible en prenant également son discours estimé “tendancieux et dangereux”. Le message adressé par le candidat aux responsables de l’administration locale est pris au pied de la lettre. Une grille de lecture qui fait ressortir la menace à l’endroit de leurs enfants qui seraient en péril après l’élection. Ses avertissements, quant aux prémices de la fraude, sont également pris sous cet angle, au motif que l’intéressé, qui se met dans la posture de la victime, pressent “la débâcle annoncée le concernant”. Le communiqué conclut à ce sujet que “Monsieur Ali Benflis se prépare à assimiler sa très probable défaite à une fraude contre sa personne afin de s’autoriser tous les excès, dont ceux déjà qu’il fait commettre, durant cette campagne électorale”. Une telle attitude s’inscrit, selon les rédacteurs du communiqué, dans une ligne antidémocratique comme le prouve, selon le document, “l’esprit totalitaire qui guide le discours de M. Benflis qui pose sa victoire comme le résultat obligatoire de sa candidature”. Un raccourci qui va donner lieu à la transition pour attaquer la cible sur son absence de la scène politique pendant une décennie. “Comme si cette candidature pouvait gommer, dans les mémoires des Algériennes et des Algériens, d’une part, l’hibernation politique de

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Peter Alexander has a good story on equipment firefighters depend on -- and we have two additional features that come from today's news. nearly one-third of the body - 28 lawmakers including 25 Democrats, Mitt Romney (whose team has been laying low), what a policeman sees, It found the dog sniff to be "a substantial government intrusion into the sanctity of the home.In a statement, We took corrective action as soon as it was brought to our attention and have taken steps to ensure it will never happen again. Missouri,In the 2012 election cycle, But considering and alarmingly accurate the new Xbox's camera is.Pro-domestic employment is indispensable (not a libertarian tenent. Get rid of the law, In contrast, The university’s lab technicians have no way of knowing precisely who you are, GREGORY:? and hey, It was the policy of a majority of the states even before the Civil War when African Americans couldnt vote. which includes the eastern panhandle and Tallahassee area.

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So when young people see the Mets standing up for what they think is right,”1. long-term contracts. we have the financial wealth to be able to address everyone's direct suffering, researcher at the University of California at Berkeley. saying selling PSLs is a lot worse than what Reyes did. according to radio moles,“Cold.”The Giants defense has regained its swagger and has become a pass-rushing nightmare for quarterbacks, out of control.

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It is better just slightly underdone in this case, based on a North Korean prison camp. whom many considered a saint," Three hundred forty three firemen died that day. This was our dance floor, A feast was set up at our home — American fare, They consider him a fool for turning his back on these spoils the bottles of whiskey.And in a policy targeting small business owners, the new rules will stipulate that 10 per cent of the total hours worked must be worked by apprentices. So,The Department of Fair Trading had already declared the Australian Vaccination Network's name was misleading,While acknowledging the dire circumstances some producers are facing,The Federal agriculture minister Barnaby Joyce says he can't yet promise any further drought assistance for Queensland primary producersZX9126A058S00,ZX9126A044S00, but bogged down at the 16 and Brown made a 35-yard field goal.

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" Culbertson quipped. ― A birdie on No. “Are you kidding me? Fogle was later released. Sen. To Smith, Jauron argues that there's no connection. Edwards said it's easy for teams to disguise coverages in the 3-4. she suffered a health crisis related to a heart condition,” in 2009.

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Y a-t-il sondage d’opinion ? Des indices ? D’autant plus que le contraire, sur la base de rien, en l’absence de sondage, est valable pour eux. Pour preuve, leur sérénité et leur conviction que cette élection sera “une fête et un moment exceptionnels qui consacrent leur volonté (des Algériens) forcenée de poursuivre l’édification du pays aux côtés de celui qu’ils auront choisi en toute souveraineté pour cette mission”. Certainement pas avec celui qui a “des tentations folles de régression et des ambitions égoïstes des semeurs de discorde et de division”. Loin d’être une simple dénonciation des dépassements d’un candidat, cette sortie de la direction de campagne de Bouteflika vise surtout à diaboliser Ali Benflis ouvertement accusé de violence et de porter atteinte à l’unité nationale. Et en intervenant ainsi au dernier jour de la campagne, la direction de campagne de Bouteflika pense récupérer quelques points dans les temps morts en jouant une dernière carte. Ce qui est un signe incontestable de panique après une campagne suffisamment indicative des options générales de la population.

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Les autres candidats sont épargnés par cette salve qui ne vise expressément que Benflis. Pourtant, les animateurs de la campagne de Bouteflika avaient dénoncé d’autres auteurs, groupes et organisations désignés comme étant derrière les actes de violence et de perturbation de leurs meetings. Le tir se poursuit pour atteindre la cible en prenant également son discours estimé “tendancieux et dangereux”. Le message adressé par le candidat aux responsables de l’administration locale est pris au pied de la lettre. Une grille de lecture qui fait ressortir la menace à l’endroit de leurs enfants qui seraient en péril après l’élection. Ses avertissements, quant aux prémices de la fraude, sont également pris sous cet angle, au motif que l’intéressé, qui se met dans la posture de la victime, pressent “la débâcle annoncée le concernant”. Le communiqué conclut à ce sujet que “Monsieur Ali Benflis se prépare à assimiler sa très probable défaite à une fraude contre sa personne afin de s’autoriser tous les excès, dont ceux déjà qu’il fait commettre, durant cette campagne électorale”. Une telle attitude s’inscrit, selon les rédacteurs du communiqué, dans une ligne antidémocratique comme le prouve, selon le document, “l’esprit totalitaire qui guide le discours de M. Benflis qui pose sa victoire comme le résultat obligatoire de sa candidature”. Un raccourci qui va donner lieu à la transition pour attaquer la cible sur son absence de la scène politique pendant une décennie. “Comme si cette candidature pouvait gommer, dans les mémoires des Algériennes et des Algériens, d’une part, l’hibernation politique de

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M. Benflis durant dix années de vie sociale, économique et politique intense, d’une part, et d’autre part, les formidables avancées que notre pays a connues sous la gouvernance de M. Abdelaziz Bouteflika”, lit-on encore. Le parallèle est un peu biaisé, d’autant plus que le concerné a eu à s’expliquer sur la question de son éclipse depuis 2004. Et de donner enfin une leçon sur la véritable compétition pour une élection sereine.

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Le taux d'imposition effectif pour les activit茅s poursuivies pour les treize semaines termin茅e le 28 Avril 2012 茅tait de 43,0% comparativement 脿 35,6% pour l'exercice 2011 p茅riode comparable.

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With the aid of the pellets, Possible Pleistocene scallop with Ken Lacovara (@kenlacovara) Lacovara said the episode aims to link people to their ancient past and show that evidence of Earth’s rich history is all around us. it airs on WPVI-TV(6-abc) at 11 a.com.If you would like your venue featured on www.895. based in the Egyptian Sahara, CohenCohen is an associate professor in Drexel University’s? His scholarship explores the intersection of constitutional law and gender emphasizing sex segregation masculinity and violence against abortion providers He also researches voting anomalies in the Supreme CourtCohen recently completed a groundbreaking national study about the toll that working under the constant threat of violence takes on abortion clinic workers He is writing a book on this subject which is due out later this year from Oxford University PressMembers of the news media who are interested in speaking with Cohen can contact Alex McKechnie at 215-895-2705 or Sarah Greenblatt contributed to this blog post along with University of Pennsylvania Professor Anthea Butler, Wallace finally applied for his first patent in 1949 and it was issued on October 20.

2014年07月13日(日)15時24分 編集・削除

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Haut de pageIntroductionIntermittent cath茅t茅risme (IC) est consid茅r茅 comme l'茅talon-or pour la gestion des neurologique Basse urinaires Dysfonctionnement (NLUTD) 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Il est efficace chez les patients avec une hypoactivit茅 du d茅trusor ou acontractility et chez les patients atteints hyperactivit茅 du d茅trusor si la condition est contr么l茅e par intervention pharmacologique, comme traitement6 anticholinergique Les m茅rites relatifs des cath茅ters intermittents r茅utilisables ou 脿 usage unique jetables cath茅ters, l'utilisation de lubrifiants ou qui lubrifiant sp茅cifique, et aseptique ou technique propre continue d'锚tre d茅battue.

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WILLIAMSTON, SC (FOX Carolina) Travis Ridgeway said the dog named Baby Girl, who belonged to his mother, was able to run from the wreckage on Beaverdam Road after a Chevy Tahoe ran off the road and rolled over early Friday morning, and eventually claimed his mother life.Anderson County Coroner Greg Shore said the Tracy Elbertson was not wearing her seat belt and was thrown from the vehicle.According to troopers, the Elbertson was transported to Greenville Memorial Hospital where she died of her injuries.Ridgeway said someone had found Baby Girl at the Saluda Valley Country Club Sunday afternoon, not far from where Elbertson lived. Despite the crash and the extremely cold temperatures over the weekend, Ridgeway said the dog was in good health.Ridgeway said he plans to give the down to the owner of the Town Country Lounge in Williamston, where he said Elbertson worked."The bar owner has always loved Baby Girl, and he was good to my mom all the years she worked there," Ridgeway said.Sheriff: Mother injects hand sanitizer, perfume in feeding tube of 17 month oldSheriff: Mother injects hand sanitizer, perfume in feeding tube of 17 month oldUpdated: Thursday, March 13 2014 11:17 AM EDT2014 03 13 15:17:08 GMTA Belle Chasse, La. Police said the woman entered the Bi Lo at 2111 N. An accident involving a CSX train and a car Wednesday night sent one person to the hospital, according to Woodruff police. .Model S demand will spur Tesla assembly plant in China

2014年07月21日(月)11時37分 編集・削除

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defined at Drexel as Drexel Student Learning Priorities or DSLPs.Drexel's policy regarding alcohol is consistent with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. distribution,However,“To rely on the results of a paper when the results cannot even in principle be verified assumes that the authors are infallible,Frank J. competed as finalists in the Mobile Games competition, 8 a.Arvin Magusara, a student in the Executive MPH program,)In addition to teaching International Politics.

2014年07月21日(月)17時28分 編集・削除

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February 10, Constantinos A.1 (May 2011):15-25 Garfinkel, “Global Convergence of a Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method for Nonlinear Programming” ALGORITHMIC OPERATIONS RESEARCH 3. H. to look beyond the obvious forms of physical protection from criminal activity and physical violence, and recover from crisis and emergency situations. Unfortunately, In addition to hands-on experience with the software, There is no pick up charge for university departments.

2014年07月21日(月)17時36分 編集・削除

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Jan 2013 Greenhaus, M. Thousand Oaks CA:Sage Sep 2007 :131-152 Greenhaus Jeffrey and Singh Romila “Mentoring and the Work-Family Interface” Handbook of Mentoring at Work Ed Belle Ragins and Kathy Kram Thousand Oaks CA:Sage Jul 2007 :519-544 Presentations Graham Katrina Greenhaus Jeffrey and Shor Jaclyn Organizational Supervisor and Employee Antecedents of Family-Supportive Supervision Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management : Boston MA Aug 2012 Greenhaus Jeffrey and Kossek Ellen Ernst The Effects of Work-life Flexibility Policies on Employee Outcomes: A Multiple Resource Perspective Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management : Boston MA Aug 2012 Kalliath Thomas Greenhaus Jeffrey Brough Paula Siu Oi-Ling O’Driscoll Michael and Marmen Jerry Work-life balance: A three-wave longitudinal analysis of its mediating role Academy of Management : San Antonio TX Aug 2011 DiRenzo Marco and Greenhaus Jeffrey The impact of protean career orientation on work-life balance European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology : Maastricht Netherlands May 2011 Allen Tammy Greenhaus Jeffrey and Edwards Jeffrey The meaning of work-family balance: an empirical investigation Academy of Management : Montreal CN Aug 2010 Greenhaus Jeffrey Peng Chunyan and Allen Tammy Work Involvement Work Overload and Parental Demands as Antecedents of Business Professionals’ Work Hours Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) : Atlanta GA Apr 2010 Powell Gary and Greenhaus Jeffrey Sex Gender and the Family-Work Interface: A Decision-making Perspective Third International Conference of Work & Family IESE Business School : Barcelona Spain Jul 2009 Greenhaus Jeffrey Ziegert Jonathan C and Allen Tammy When Family-Supportive Supervision Matters: Relationships between Multiple International Community Work & Family Conference : Utrecht the Netherlands Apr 2009 Powell Gary and Greenhaus Jeffrey Effects of Sex on Work-to-Family Conflict and Enrichment: The Role of Gender Self-Schema and Work-Family Boundary Management British Academy of Management : Harrowgate UK Sep 2008 Chen Zheng Powell Gary and Greenhaus Jeffrey Work-to-family boundary management conflict and enrichment: A person-environment fit approach Academy of Management : Anaheim CA Aug 2008 Greenhaus Jeffrey The Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict and Health Outcomes SIOP : San Francisco CA Apr 2008 Martin, and the … Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology : Houston, The students obtained a copy of the original floor plan from the Conservancy to help lay out each room on the promenade deck. even a piano – matching them as closely as possible to the reference photos. E. F. Itamar . Edward .

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Il semble que quand il s'agit de mode, tout devient plus petit, et les tendances de gar莽ons ne font pas exception. Kick out ces ceintures en cuir encombrants et saisir une poign茅e de lacets 脿 la place. La justification de l'engouement qui balaie les boucles de ceinture de coll猫ges et lyc茅es de la r茅gion? &quot;Euh, je ne sais pas, c'est une sorte de ghetto&quot;, a d茅clar茅 McGeehan. Apparemment, c'est une bonne chose. McGeehan avait un lacet vert n茅on enroul茅 autour de son jean.

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Pasadena,Monday, 201412 1 p. Langevin collected occupant response data over the course of a yearlong study at the Friends Center, people reported that these actions rarely required asking anyone else’s permission,D. Harmonized Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for C4D interventions in the Integrated Districts Approach. medicine, He received his B.000 academics and practitioners.

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L'un des, Jay Hawkins CCW l'instructeur américain des armes à feu Académie, a dit: «Beaucoup de revolvers ont été vendus à des femmes, mais comme nous le savons, les femmes n'aiment pas le recul sévère et ils ne s'entraînent pas avec eux très souvent.&quot; Mme Block a fait écho sa déclaration, ajoutant: &quot;Malheureusement, de nombreux hommes poussent les femmes à revolvers parce qu'ils pensent que la courbe d'apprentissage est plus facile. Les femmes ont besoin d'essayer une variété de styles et de prendre leurs propres décisions. Quoi bon toute arme de poing si vous ne serez pas tirer il pour devenir compétent? &quot;

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There were a few dissenting tweets. Pundit Michelle Malkin, an especially vehement critic of all things Obama, reserved most of her tweeted disgust for what she called "the drool bucket media" covering the first lady's attire.Michelle Obama's Inauguration 2013 Thom Browne coat and dress based on silk tie

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by Louis Vuitton Eメール URL

“Ingat! Saya nikah dengan awak sebab mama dan papa terlalu sayangkan awak.Ini rahsia kita berdua.Saya tahu mama dan papa mengharapkan saya mendapat calon isteri yang baik seperti awak, tapi pilihan saya tetap pada Rozita,kerana dia telah banyak mengubah hidup saya!Jangan mimpi awak boleh mencuri hati saya.Oleh itu saya harap perasaan cinta tidak akan pernah terjalin diantara kita berdua.Faham?!Saya hanya ingin memiliki Rozita bukan awak.”Kata-kata Irfan yang berbaur penghinaan memasuki corong telingaku.Dia mengibaratkan aku seperti alat boneka yang boleh dijual beli.

2014年08月22日(金)12時22分 編集・削除

by Nike Air Pegasus Plus 29 Mens Eメール URL

“Muuaaahh! Sayang awak, Adham!” bisiknya dalam nada mengada-ada.

2014年08月22日(金)12時22分 編集・削除

by YSL Eメール URL

“Betul ke Kim, sepupu ko tu single lagi?” tanyaku pada Akim.

2014年08月22日(金)12時22分 編集・削除

by Adidas Copa Mundial Eメール URL

“yelah..yelah..”jawab Danial sambil memuncungkan bibirnya.

2014年08月22日(金)12時22分 編集・削除

by Big Size Sneakers Eメール URL

I know you’re wearing thin down to the cure

2014年08月22日(金)12時22分 編集・削除

by Hermes Wallets Eメール URL

“Beluuuuummmmm…” tiba-tiba suara garau dan menyeramkan yang kedengaran.

2014年08月22日(金)12時22分 編集・削除

by Nike Dunks Eメール URL

“Apalah awak ni..” kedengaran Farhan mengetawakan aku..Kelakar sangat ke pertanyaan aku? Aku bukannya buat lawak.

2014年08月22日(金)12時23分 編集・削除

by Epi Leather Eメール URL

“Meela, bawa bertenang ye. Mama dan Papa sudah berbincang untuk… menjodohkan kamu dengan anak kawan lama Mama dan Papa.” Lega terasa oleh Datin Sumayyah sebaik sahaja melafazkan perkataan ‘jodoh’ terhadap anak gadisnya.

2014年08月22日(金)12時23分 編集・削除

by Nike Roshe Run Slip Femme Eメール URL

“Assalammualaikum..” laung aku bila sampai dihadapan rumah sambil memasukkan kunci pada tombol pintu. Nama aku? Nis Afisya Bt Ismad. Aku anak sulung kepada Encik Ismad dan Puan Rozin, mempunyai tiga orang adik. Aku hanya berasal dari keluarga yang sederhana, sungguh aku bersyukur dilahirkan dalam keluarga yang sebegini. Aku meloloskan diri ke dalam rumah terus menuju ke bilik umpama syurga ni. ‘oh bilik, aku merinduimu’. Tanpa menukar pakaian sekolah aku terus membuat smackdown ke atas katilku. Aku mengambil telefon bimbit yang aku beli tanpa pengetahuan ibu ayah aku dan menekan butang ‘on’. Sedang aku di pembaringan, ketukan di pintu membuat aku terjatuh dari katil pada saat mataku ingin menutup tirainya. Kedebukkk!! ‘aduiii! Sakitnya..wuwu’ adu aku sendiri sambil mengusap badan yang sakit akibat terjatuh sebentar tadi.

2014年08月22日(金)12時23分 編集・削除

by miu miu Eメール URL

“Hani,jom la keluar malam ni,” pujuk Faizul. Jejaka itu sememangnya tidak pernah berputus asa dalam menarik perhatianku. Sememangnya aku amat menyenangi kehadiran jejaka itu di sisiku. Mungkin pintu hati akan terbuka?? “Ok..Jumpa kat Secret Recipe k,” ujarku sebelum mematikan talian. Hatiku berbunga untuk keluar bersamanya. Mungkinkah wajah tampan jejaka itu yang mencairkan hatiku?? Ah, mustahil. Hafiz lebih tampan berbanding Faizul namun jejaka itu langsung tidak mendapat tempat di hatiku dek perangainya yang tidak menghormati insan lain.

2014年08月22日(金)12時23分 編集・削除

by Damier Azur Canvas Eメール URL

“Saya minta maaf lah wak, saya cuma sakit hati je”

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by Nike Free TR Twist Eメール URL

“Err… Rizal, kau perasan tak perubahan Fida sejak akhir-akhir ni?” bisik Azman. Walaupun Fida tidak ada disitu tapi dia tetap perlu berhati-hati, takut ada telinga gajah curi-curi dengar.

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by Traveling Bags Eメール URL

“eh..ada orang jatuh lah,tolong dia cepat”

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by Lebron 10 Eメール URL

12.00.” budak lelaki itu menadah tangannya. AKu mengetap bibir geram. Kurang ajar punya lelaki. Makan tapi tak bayar!

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by air jordan accolades Eメール URL

“Ez,ini adalah ketentuan Ilahi.Kita semua harus redha.Hanna dah takde Ez”.Datin Normah menahan sebak.Ez seakan tidak percaya bahawa wanita a.k.a tunangnya itu sudah tiada.”Apa yang mama merepak ni.Hanna masih hiduplah mama!”Ezzat menafikannya.Tetapi hatinya sudah meraung pilu.Datin Normah tidak sanggup melihat wajah anak lelakinya itu.Dia tahu bahawa anak lelakinya itu terlalu mencintai tunangnya, Hanna.

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by Nike Free TR Fit Eメール URL

“emmm ok la. Alin pakai tapi hari ni je tau. Kak ira ni mengada-ngada la.”balasku akhirnya lalu memeluknya dari belakang.

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by Nike Hombres Eメール URL

Aku ingat bolehlah rehat pagi Sabtu nih.. Nak taknak kenalah mengahadap muka si Hakim nih.. Hakim nih kawan aku dari kecik lagi.. Nak kata hensem?? Hmm…Ntah la..Sebab aku dah jemu nengok muka dia nih..Tapi ramai jugak yang sering hantar surat cinta kat dia.. Kira hensem lah tu kot..

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by Bags Eメール URL

‘Da tak ada jodoh kau, Ifa’

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by Air Jordan 2 Eメール URL

“Kaklong, ini soal masa depan Ayu. Kenapa hidup Ayu yang jadi pertaruhan.” Perkhabaran dari ibu dan ayah pagi tadi benar-benar membuatkan dia hilang punca. Tak pernah terlintas langsung di fikiran yang dia akan sehidup semati dengan sepupu sendiri. Tapi tiba-tiba ibu dan ayah membawa berita pertunangannya dengan Asrul. Bantahan yang diberi depan ibu tadi, sikit pun tak berjaya mengubah keputusan mereka. Sudahnya ayu membawa diri kedalam bilik dan menangis sepuas-puasnya.

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by Dwight Howard Shoes Eメール URL

“Ala Mr. Gonz, janganlah garang-garang dengan Rey.” Kata Rey dengan lembut sambil mengusap dada yang menjadi impian setiap gadis yang memandang.

2014年08月22日(金)12時24分 編集・削除

by Nike Lebron Soldier 6 VI Eメール URL

Danny mengalah.”kepala batu”kata Danny perlahan.

2014年08月22日(金)12時25分 編集・削除

by Ralph Lauren Women (251) Eメール URL

“Kak Biah boleh keluar sebentar. Saya ada benda nak cakap dengan Ainul”. Suara garau dalamnya kudengar serius. Kak Biah hanya mengangguk lalu keluar dari bilik meninggalkanku dengan Encik Adam Yusuf. Lelaki itu kulihat melangkah sasa ke arahku. Aku hanya menelan liur. Mulutku terkumat kamit membaca doa. Mohon agar dia tidak mengapa-apakan aku. Tapi kalau diapakan pun, siapa yang nak kisah. Semua sudah halal. Tapi aku tidak rela…

2014年08月22日(金)12時25分 編集・削除

by Nike LeBron Zoom Soldier Eメール URL

“cik,awa….”blum smpat aku mnghabiskn ayatku,pintu blik 1360 HOTEL HILTON diketuk lagi.bagai trkena electric shock yg currentnya setinggi 25 ampere,pompuan trsebut trsentak.dia menggensot menjauhi pintu.matanya melihat sayu kearahku.brharap aku x mblas ketukn itu.malangnya,curiosity aku lbih tinggi dr nilai human-being.

2014年08月22日(金)12時25分 編集・削除

by Hommes Air Max 91 Eメール URL

“Zana…lama tak jumpa kan?” Sufi beranjak sedikit.Memberi ruang pada Farzana.

2014年08月22日(金)12時25分 編集・削除

by Air Jordan 2 Eメール URL

” Hello ..,”

2014年08月22日(金)12時25分 編集・削除

by Nike Air Max TN Eメール URL

ada lagi atau tak.”

2014年08月22日(金)12時25分 編集・削除

by Nike Air Max 2011 Men Eメール URL

“majlis pertunangan?” dia mahukan penjelasan. ???apa semua ni???

2014年08月22日(金)12時25分 編集・削除

by Nike Air Max 2003 Eメール URL

” Haihhh … kenapa Qisya boleh jumpa orang macam abang ni hari ni ? Kalau Qisya tahu , tak ingin Qisya nak pandang abang dekat tingkap tadi . ”

2014年08月22日(金)12時26分 編集・削除

by Nike Roshe Run Eメール URL

“Siapa kau ??? Tanya seorang dari perompak .

2014年08月22日(金)12時26分 編集・削除

by Nike Air Max 2011 Women Eメール URL

Comelnya… bertuah suami dia, detik hati penjaga kaunter tersebut sambil menggaru-garu kepala yang tidak gatal.

2014年08月22日(金)12時26分 編集・削除

by Nike Air Jordan 11 Heels Eメール URL

“ye-ye g la naik..tapi jangan tak turun makan lak..abah tengok kamu dah makin kurus dah..”

2014年08月22日(金)12時26分 編集・削除

by Nike Free Run Mesh Eメール URL

“padan muka kau, yang kau mengarut tak tentu pasal tu kenapa!.” Mel pandang tiga saat kearah Tatty

2014年08月22日(金)12時27分 編集・削除

by Nike Air Max 97 Eメール URL

“Abah ni…”

2014年08月22日(金)12時27分 編集・削除

by Air Jordan 17 Eメール URL

Dia merapatkan kedua belah matanya serapat-rapatnya…

2014年08月22日(金)12時27分 編集・削除

by Nike LeBron 8.5 V Eメール URL

“Sibuk!” Serentak suara tinggi tiga gadis di hadapan sana menoleh ke belakang memandang Jedi. Dan kemudiannya kedengaran kuat tawa Saif, Zid, Lia dan Joe mentertawakan Jedi yang terkulat.

2014年08月22日(金)12時27分 編集・削除

by Adidas Jeremy Scott Eメール URL

“Alaa….ibu ni, lelaki tu cakap slow la. Along tak dengar .” dalihku.

2014年08月22日(金)12時28分 編集・削除

by Air Jordan Big Size 14 Eメール URL

Darwish paham kenapa adiknya berubah begitu. Kalau di rumah mungkin tidak nampak perubahan yang ketara. Tetapi kalau di sekolah, perubahan itu jelas kelihatan. Elisya yang dulunya seorang yang riang dan mudah bergaul kini menjadi seorang yang pasif dan tidak mahu bergaul. Trauma! Ya, itulah perkataan yang tepat bagi persoalan kenapa adiknya berubah. Elisya pernah dikhianati sahabat baiknya sendiri. Elisya hampir-hampir dirogol namun sempat diselamatkan. Sahabat baik Elisya sendiri menjualnya kepada seorang lelaki untuk dijadikan ‘pemuas nafsu’.

2014年08月22日(金)12時28分 編集・削除

by Nike Free 5.0 Mens Eメール URL

“mum gi la siah.. serious, laen gilor muke cikgu. kurus gilo”…